Did you know that not spaying your female dog or cat could lead to expensive emergencies, and even death?The two illnesses that VET Fund receives the most funding requests for every year are pyometra (a severe uterine infection) and mammary cancer. These problems are expensive to treat and completely preventable! Since our inception, VET Fund has been acting reactively to help these patients when they are already sick, and often our help comes too little, too late. That’s why we are launching the “Spay Today Program!”
For many families living paycheck to paycheck, setting aside hundreds of dollars for what seems like an elective procedure can be a big ask. While we have low-cost spay/neuter clinics in the area, most of them are inundated with requests and are booked solid for months. So, we have decided to partner with local veterinary hospitals to help provide more convenient, low-cost spays to our most at-risk clientele. Through this program, VET Fund will subsidize the cost of the spay at our partner hospitals so that owners only pay a fraction of the cost of the procedure. |